Super Easy DIY Hummingbird Bird Bath
The easiest bird bath water fountain you will ever make, and CHEAP too, and it brings Hummingbirds, Wrens, Sparrows, Gold Finches are so much more. Just so easy to make a bowl and rocks.
Here I will tell you how I set mine up, PLACEMENT and everything you really need to know to get the birds to come. If you just want birds to drink, than no need for solar panel, just but the bowl out and they should still want water for drink.
The best way to attract hummingbirds is to hang a hummingbird feeder that’s well-stocked with nectar. This nectar is made of sucrose and water, and it’s their primary food source, along with the nectar they get from plants.
If you’d like to make your own hummingbird nectar, simply combine four parts water with one part sugar, and mix until the sugar dissolves. Alternatively, we also offer ready to use hummingbird nectar.

It’s also important to keep your hummingbird feeders clean and stocked with nectar at all times. Ideally, the nectar should be changed at least every 3-4 days, but even more frequently during hot weather. Look out for nectar getting moldy as this can pose health problems for the tiny birds.
Hummingbirds will also take notice of your feeders always being stocked and it will encourage them to return, year after year. Try to hang your feeders up two weeks before their expected arrival to welcome any early birds.
If you love hummingbirds like we do, be sure to checkout our full line of hummingbird feeders and gift ideas!