Looking to Start a Hummingbird Garden? Start Here!
Attracting hummingbirds to your yard can take a lot of hard work. From the right types of feeders, the right types of food, and the right types flowers.
Thankfully the work pays off though. In order to help you to know what to plant in your garden to attract hummingbirds we found this article. We hope it helps eliminate wasted effort!

From the article: Hummer flower magnets
Hummingbirds will dine from flowers of any color, but red attracts them best. "They can see red up to a mile away," Kathi says.
Flowers with tubular blossoms evolved with hummingbirds, so the Rocks keep a good supply. Hummingbirds also eat spiders and insects, including mosquitoes and gnats.
Kathi recommends six plants to get your hummingbird garden started: perennials, honeysuckle, bee balm, and cardinal flower, as well as annuals Mexican cigarplant, blue anise sage, and Texas sage.

Make your own nectar
When your flowers aren't blooming, feeders will help attract hummingbirds. Mix one part sugar with four parts tap water. Sugar dissolves quickly in warm water, so there's no need to boil it. When nectar looks cloudy or moldy, wash the feeder and refill with a fresh batch.
Read the entire article here: http://www.midwestliving.com/garden/flowers/hummingbird-garden
Nowadays, many people are fond of hummingbirds.
Want to attract some beautiful hummingbirds to your yard?
Click here! To know the best flowers and plants to attract them.
If you want to see more of hummingbirds, you can also Click here to watch the Behind the Scenes from PBS' Hummingbirds!