Love Hummingbirds? Learn How to Attract These 18 Different Kinds!
Hummingbirds are beautiful creatures. There are a lot of different kinds but each kind is different and what they like is different.
In order to help you create a hummingbird oasis in your backyard we found this article with 18 different kinds of hummingbirds and what they like. We hope it helps!
From the article: Birds, bats, bees and other insects are all important pollinators, but hummingbirds seem to do the job with the most flare.

They have that vibrant coloration, their rapier-like bills perfectly adapted to each species' flowery food source, their adorably tiny size, and of course their jaw-dropping flying abilities.
Wildlife photographer David Hemmings captures a diversity of species in his travels, but he is particularly good at capturing these tiny flying jewels, and has many incredibly beautiful species in his portfolio.
For instance, there's the sword-billed hummingbird pictured above. This is the only species of bird with a beak longer than its body. And no wonder — wielding that beak can't be an easy task.
The creature actually has to hold its bill pointed up in the air when perched to keep from tipping over. But the oddity also has a purpose.
This hummingbird feeds on flowers with long corollas, so it has to reach deep to get to nectar. Even when you count that impressive beak, the hummingbird still averages less than 10 inches in length.

There are well more than 300 species of hummingbirds, 51 of which are considered threatened or endangered. There are so many, it's hard to pick favorites. But we gave it a try anyway.
Here are 17 more examples of the diversity and wonder of hummingbirds:
Anna's Hummingbird:
Those of us living along the western coast of North America will likely recognize the species below. This is the most common hummingbird along the Pacific Coast. And they have a fascinating courtship dance.
Males will fly up to 130 feet in the sky and swoop down to Earth with alarming speed, making a chirp sound with their tail feathers before swooping back up to the sky again.
Velvet Purple Coronet:
This incredibly beautiful bird may appear all black at first, but just wait until the light catches those iridescent feathers and you'll see flashes of vivid purple, blue and green. The underparts of its wings are also a contrasting chestnut color. No wonder it is called a flying jewel!
Read about all 18 kinds here -