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        News — what flowers attract humming birds

        Photographing Hummingbirds: Techniques for Capturing Their Ephemeral Beauty

        Photographing Hummingbirds: Techniques for Capturing Their Ephemeral Beauty - We Love Hummingbirds

        In this blog post you'll learn tips and tricks on how to taking breathtaking hummingbird photographs, and much more.

        The flutter of iridescent wings, the delicate hum in the air – capturing the beauty of hummingbirds through the lens of a camera is a thrilling endeavor for photographers.

        These tiny avian wonders possess a unique allure, but their rapid movements and elusive behavior can make photographing them a challenging yet rewarding experience. If you're eager to embark on this enchanting photographic journey, here are some techniques to help you capture the ephemeral beauty of hummingbirds.

        Choose the Right Equipment

        Before you head out to photograph hummingbirds, it's essential to have the right gear. A camera with manual settings and interchangeable lenses is preferable for greater control over your shots. A telephoto lens with a focal length between 200mm and 600mm will allow you to capture close-up shots without disturbing the birds. A tripod or monopod will help stabilize your camera, especially when using longer lenses.

        Want to attract more hummingbirds?  Checkout this best selling hummingbird feeder.

        Create an Attractive Setup

        Hummingbirds are attracted to brightly colored flowers and feeders filled with nectar. To increase your chances of capturing these elusive birds, set up an enticing environment. Place colorful flowers or feeders in a location with good natural light. Using a shallow depth of field to blur the background can make the hummingbird stand out more prominently in your shots.

        Bring your love inside with one of our hummingbird canvases

        Patience is Key

        Photographing hummingbirds requires patience and persistence. These birds are known for their rapid movements and erratic flight patterns, making it challenging to predict their behavior. Spend time observing their habits and flight paths to anticipate their movements and positioning. A comfortable chair or cushion can make long hours of waiting more enjoyable.

        Optimize Camera Settings

        To freeze the rapid motion of hummingbirds, adjust your camera settings accordingly. Use a fast shutter speed (at least 1/1000 or higher) to capture their wings in sharp detail. Set your camera to continuous or burst mode to capture a series of shots in quick succession. Consider using aperture priority mode (usually denoted as "Av" on your camera) to control the depth of field and allow the camera to adjust the shutter speed accordingly.

        Focus on Autofocus

        Given the hummingbird's rapid movements, using autofocus is crucial. Set your camera's autofocus to track moving subjects, often labeled as "AI Servo" on Canon cameras or "AF-C" on Nikon cameras. This mode helps your camera continuously adjust focus as the hummingbird moves, ensuring your shots remain sharp.

        Looking for the perfect gift?  Why not a hummingbird necklace.

        Frame Creatively

        When composing your shots, consider different angles and perspectives. Experiment with various compositions, such as capturing the bird in profile, while feeding, or in flight. Incorporating elements of the environment, such as flowers or branches, can add depth and context to your images. Be patient and wait for the perfect moment when the hummingbird's pose and the background align harmoniously.

        Lighting Matters

        Lighting plays a crucial role in photography, and hummingbirds are no exception. Shooting during the golden hours of early morning or late afternoon provides soft, flattering light that enhances the bird's colors. Overcast days can also be advantageous, as the clouds act as natural diffusers, minimizing harsh shadows and creating a more even lighting situation.

        Be Mindful of Ethical Photography

        While capturing captivating shots is the goal, it's essential to prioritize the well-being of the birds and their habitats. Avoid getting too close to their nests or feeders, as this can disturb their natural behavior. Use your presence to educate others about the importance of conserving these delicate creatures and their environments.

        Post-Processing Magic

        Once you've captured your hummingbird shots, post-processing can help enhance their visual appeal. Adjusting contrast, saturation, and sharpness can bring out the vibrant colors and intricate details of the birds. Be cautious not to over-edit, though, as natural beauty often shines brightest.

        Here's the perfect hummingbird swing to help you capture these amazing creatures.

        A Journey of Delicate Beauty

        Photographing hummingbirds requires a blend of technical skill, patience, and artistic vision. As you embark on this journey to capture their ephemeral beauty, remember that every shot you take is a tribute to the delicate wonders of nature. Through your lens, you can freeze these fleeting moments, allowing others to marvel at the intricacies of these tiny creatures.

        From selecting the right equipment to honing your camera settings and perfecting your timing, photographing hummingbirds is a skill that demands both dedication and an appreciation for the delicate dance of life. As you immerse yourself in this world of wings and nectar, you'll discover a newfound admiration for the enchanting world of hummingbirds.

        Creating a Hummingbird Garden: Plant Selection and Tips

        Creating a Hummingbird Garden: Plant Selection and Tips - We Love Hummingbirds

        In this blog post you'll learn tips and tricks on how to create a hummingbird garden, how to select the best plants and flowers, and much more.

        Imagine your garden coming alive with the mesmerizing sight of tiny, colorful creatures darting through the air with grace and speed. Hummingbirds, with their iridescent feathers and distinctive hovering abilities, can bring an enchanting ambiance to any outdoor space.

        To attract these charming little birds and support their well-being, creating a hummingbird-friendly garden is a rewarding endeavor. In this blog post, we will explore the essential steps for designing a hummingbird haven through thoughtful plant selection and practical tips.

        Here is one of our best selling hummingbird feeders.

        Understanding Hummingbird Needs

        Before we delve into the specifics of plant selection, it's vital to understand the unique needs of hummingbirds. These tiny birds are nectarivores, relying heavily on nectar for their diet. To support their energy-demanding lifestyle, they require a regular supply of nectar-rich flowers. Moreover, hummingbirds also feed on insects and spiders to supplement their diet with essential proteins and nutrients.

        Looking to see a hummingbird in your garden all the time?  Check out this hummingbird stake.

        To attract hummingbirds to your garden, you must provide them with the following elements:

        1. Abundant Nectar Sources: Planting a variety of nectar-rich flowers ensures a steady food supply for hummingbirds. The more diverse your flower selection, the more likely you are to attract a broader range of hummingbird species.

        1. Shelter and Safety: Hummingbirds are wary creatures and need a sense of security while feeding. Providing them with perches, trees, and shrubs gives them a place to rest, hide from predators, and even build nests.

        2. Water Source: Like all creatures, hummingbirds need access to water for drinking and bathing. Consider adding a birdbath or small shallow fountain to your garden to cater to their hydration needs.

        3. Avoid Pesticides: Hummingbirds are sensitive to chemicals, so refrain from using pesticides or herbicides that could harm them or their food sources.

        Selecting Hummingbird-Friendly Plants

        Choosing the right plants is the cornerstone of creating a hummingbird-friendly garden. Opt for flowers with tubular shapes and bright colors, as these are the ones most attractive to hummingbirds. Here are some popular hummingbird-friendly plants to consider:

        1. Bee Balm (Monarda): With its vibrant red, pink, or purple flowers, bee balm is a favorite of both hummingbirds and bees. Its delightful fragrance adds another layer of allure to your garden.

        2. Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans): As the name suggests, the trumpet vine produces long, tubular orange or red flowers that are irresistible to hummingbirds. Be cautious, though, as this vine can be vigorous and may require some pruning to keep it in check.

        3. Salvia (Salvia spp.): Salvia comes in various colors and sizes, offering an abundance of nectar for hummingbirds. It's a low-maintenance plant that thrives in many climates.

        4. Columbine (Aquilegia): This delicate, bell-shaped flower is a hummingbird favorite. It comes in various colors and adds a touch of elegance to any garden.

        5. Lupine (Lupinus): Hummingbirds are drawn to the tall spikes of lupine flowers, which can add a vertical dimension to your garden while providing ample nectar.

        6. Penstemon (Penstemon spp.): Also known as beardtongue, penstemon produces tubular flowers in a wide range of colors, making it a versatile choice for attracting hummingbirds.

        7. Fuchsia (Fuchsia spp.): Fuchsia's pendulous, tube-shaped flowers in shades of pink and purple are practically designed for hummingbirds to feed on.

        Designing Your Hummingbird Haven

        Creating a hummingbird-friendly garden involves more than just planting the right flowers. It's about crafting a space that appeals to these delightful creatures and encourages their presence. Consider the following tips to make your garden a true hummingbird haven:

        1. Group Plants Together: Planting flowers in clusters can create a more appealing target for hummingbirds. It allows them to visit multiple blooms in one spot, saving energy as they forage.

        2. Add Bird Feeders: While planting nectar-rich flowers is crucial, supplementing their diet with hummingbird feeders is an excellent idea, especially during periods when natural nectar sources may be scarce.* Find this feeder here.

        3. Provide Shelter: Hummingbirds need places to rest, preen, and hide from predators. Planting trees, shrubs, and climbers can provide the perfect sanctuary for them.

        4. Include Native Plants: Native plants are well-adapted to the local environment and are more likely to attract native hummingbird species.

        5. Create Colorful Borders: Hummingbirds are naturally drawn to vibrant colors like red, orange, and pink. Planting colorful borders will attract their attention and make your garden a visual delight.

        6. Offer Fresh Water: A shallow birdbath or a small water feature with a gentle trickle of water can serve as a vital water source for hummingbirds.

        Don't forget the ant moat.


        Designing a hummingbird-friendly garden is an enriching experience that brings you closer to nature's marvels. By understanding their needs, selecting the right plants, and providing a nurturing environment, you can transform your garden into a haven for these delightful avian visitors.

        Remember to be patient, as it may take some time for hummingbirds to discover and trust your garden as a reliable source of nectar. With time and effort, you'll be rewarded with the joy of watching these enchanting creatures grace your garden with their presence.

        Tips on How to Get 1,000s of Hummingbirds

        Tips on How to Get 1,000s of Hummingbirds - We Love Hummingbirds
        Watch this amazing true story about how 1000's of hummingbirds came to live here.  Contains a ton of great tips.  I talk about the different kinds of feeders that I buy and create. 

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        Top 10 Ways to Attract Hummingbirds

        Top 10 Ways to Attract Hummingbirds - We Love Hummingbirds
        These are the top ten things you can do to attract and keep hummingbirds in your yard.

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        What Are the Best Flowers and Plants for Attracting Hummingbirds?

        What Are the Best Flowers and Plants for Attracting Hummingbirds? - We Love Hummingbirds
        It is always nice to see hummingbirds charmingly flitting around the plants and flowers in your garden. But of course, just like any other birds, planting the right plants and flowers is the key to attracting these flying creatures.  Learn exactly what flowers to plant here!

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        Ways to Attract Hummingbirds

        Ways to Attract Hummingbirds - We Love Hummingbirds
        Hummingbirds are so fun to watch.  They flap their wings very fast and they can be territorial too.  That combined with their beautiful colors makes it a fun display.  In order to help you attract more birds to your yard we found this article with helpful information.  We hope it helps!

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